Play him, play her by Claire Stibbe blog tour and book review.

Play him, play her by Claire Stibbe.
This was a good read. I did like the cover and blurb. I did find it slow to begin with. But after a few chapters i got into it. I really didn’t like Zane at all. I wasn’t sure about Lilja. I don’t know if I like her or hate her. These two were as bad as each other. I was starting to like her but now I don’t. I’m not sure about fmthe ending I feel like there is more to come. 4*.

If all the world’s a stage, who can you really trust?
Celebrity actor Zane Osborne plays London’s renowned plastic surgeon and secret serial killer, Ethan Holloway, in the hit series Play Him, Play Her. Zane’s wife Lilja, former chef and 39-year-old mother, simply wants to live out her dream of starting a restaurant. None of the perks of fame make up for Zane treating her coldly, drinking too much, and neglecting his family. When Lilja discovers Zane is having an affair with his assistant Nic, the polished facade of their life splits wide open.
Zane’s process of method acting has often resulted in the entanglement of his life with Holloway’s, and as the lines between reality and script blur beyond recognition, Zane loses sight of not only who he is, but what he has done. When Nic goes missing after his birthday party, a popular podcast speculates Zane is the prime suspect. As Lilja
fears for her and her daughter’s safety and Zane struggles to detach his identity from his character’s, they will have to discover if it’s possible for Zane to play an adulterer and a serial killer without becoming one himself.

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