Happy publication day for Marrying Olivia by Morgana Bevan.

Happy publication day for
Marrying Olivia by Morgana Bevan.


I’ve spent years perfecting the art of keeping people at arm’s length. But Olivia, with her angel’s voice and her heart on her sleeve, slips past my defences like they’re made of paper.

She makes me want things I never thought I could have. Love. Commitment. A future. But the price of fame is high, and I don’t know if I’m strong enough to pay it.


All I’ve ever wanted is to share my music with the world. But I never imagined I’d get to open for The Brightside, the band I’ve idolised since high school. And I definitely didn’t expect to fall for Lewis, their sexy bassist who once graced my teenage bedroom walls.

One wild night in Vegas, and we wake up hitched. Now I’m torn between my teenage fantasy and the fear of getting my heart broken by a man who’s never had to let anyone in.

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